Tuesday, 22 January 2008


I came across this youtube as I was browsing for something else tonight, its touching and a lovely story. The cat and the crow, and that good old mothering instinct that in this case knew no boundaries. Inspiring.


RUTH said...

A lesson to mankind I reckon
Love & hugs

Gledwood said...

that's amazing...

did you see that "cat and hamster" one I put up? it's still on my pets blog...

Gledwood said...

hey I have been tagged:

pass around the free "lurve"...

as much as possible!




AnalĂ­a said...

Friends... who knows why they choose each other. The best answer is that we don't need any explanation :)
We are friends, aren't we? LOL I'm the kitten, I said it first!!!
I hope you're doing great. I'm better, and that's something good :)
Hugs and kisses Auds. Miss ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Auds... how are you... long time no hear..?... I bet you been busy... hope you don't mind my borrowing that Cat~&~Crow for mine today (of course I told 'em all where I "purloined" it from ...)

take care!
